OpenID 入门


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这篇文章较适入门: 作者也是open4javba的作者。



讲得最明白的还是google:  Google OAUTH + OpenID 解决方案

open4java 用起来总是报错,说什么xml解析错误,查了半天原来是xml解析包冲突,遇到这种情况要检查一下别的引用是否有冲突的xml解析包。

使用0.9.6 maven一直下载不下来改用0.9.5就可以了。


<project xmlns=""





用户想“俺有个google openid账户,我不想重新注册A账户”。他就选择用google openid账户登陆。

A站点就要知道google的openid provider endpoint的url,向这个地址请求,这一步叫discovery.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xrds:XRDS xmlns:xrds="xri://$xrds" xmlns="xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)">
  <Service priority="0">










1 The end user initiates authentication by presenting a User-Supplied Identifier to the Relying Party via their User-Agent. 


2 After normalizing the User-Supplied Identifier, the Relying Party performs discovery on it and establishes the OP Endpoint URL that the end user uses for authentication. It should be noted that the User-Supplied Identifier may be an OP Identifier, as discussed in Section 7.3.1, which allows selection of a Claimed Identifier at the OP or for the protocol to proceed without a Claimed Identifier if something else useful is being done via an extension.

RP使用openid执行discovery操作。openid中包含了将要请求的OP地址相关信息。OP对discovery返回的信息中包含了OP Endpoint 信息,下一步将要使用这些信息。openid还可能仅仅是OP的标识符而不是用户的openid标识符。

3 (optional) The Relying Party and the OP establish an association -- a shared secret established using Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange [RFC2631]. The OP uses an association to sign subsequent messages and the Relying Party to verify those messages; this removes the need for subsequent direct requests to verify the signature after each authentication request/response.


4 The Relying Party redirects the end user's User-Agent to the OP with an OpenID Authentication request.


5 The OP establishes whether the end user is authorized to perform OpenID Authentication and wishes to do so. The manner in which the end user authenticates to their OP and any policies surrounding such authentication is out of scope for this document.


6 The OP redirects the end user's User-Agent back to the Relying Party with either an assertion that authentication is approved or a message that authentication failed.


7 The Relying Party verifies the information received from the OP including checking the Return URL, verifying the discovered information, checking the nonce, and verifying the signature by using either the shared key established during the association or by sending a direct request to the OP.



要认识到openid和cas的sso是两种风格,openid对于不同公司不同网站,典型的登陆操作是,即使用户已经登陆了provider的网站,但是即使他再打开consumer的网站,consumer网站任然是不知道此用户已经登陆的。用户想要登录consumer网站,还需要进入登陆页面,这个时候给予用户使用provider网站账户登陆的选项。用户选择使用provider网站账户登陆后,由consumer的网站自动与provider网站交互完成登录过程。典型的例子可看 中的google登录方式。





Continue reading OpenID 入门



答案可以使yes也可以是no. 因为函数是语言也没有统一的定义。



所谓λ演算,是一套用于研究函数定义,函数应用和递归的形式系统。它包括一条变换规则(变量替换)和一条函数定义方式,Lambda演算之通用在于,任何一个可计算函数都能用这种形式来表达和求值。因而,它是等价于图灵机的。尽管如此,Lambda演算强调的是变换规则的运用,而非实现它们的具体机器。可以认为这是一种更接近软件而 非硬件的方式。

如果从immutability, algebraic data types, pattern matching, partial application 等等这些其他方面来看,它又不是的。


Continue reading javascript是不是函数式编程语言?

Programming Methodology-Lecture01

NOTE:these series of lecture are from SEE

Instructor (Mehran Sahami):Alrighty. If you could have a seat, please, we need to get

started. There are still a bunch of people coming in the back. Come on down and try to

find a seat somewhere. If you can't find a seat, sit in the aisle[(席位间的)通道] as long as you're not a fire

marshal[消防局长;防火处处长]. Anyone here a fire marshal? Good. We're fine. Come on in and sit in the aisles.

So welcome to CS106A. If you don't think you should be in CS106A, you think you

should be somewhere different, now is probably a good time to go, not that I would

discourage anyone from taking this class. I think we'll have a lovely time in here. But this

class is CS106A or E70A, so if you're, like, "Wait. I thought I was in E70A," you're fine.

They're the same class; it's the same thing. No worries, okay?

There's four handouts[讲义;宣传册子]. They're in the back. If you haven't already gotten the handouts

because you came in and you sat down, don't worry. You can pick them up on the way

out. They're the same handouts. They'll still be there.

So just a quick introduction. That's what the first four handouts actually give you. They

give you a little bit of an introduction to the class, what we're gonna cover, some logistics

for the class and some other stuff. I'm gonna go over all that today so we can sort of get a

good idea for where we're at, okay?

So just a quick show of hands before we get into a bunch of things in the class. This is

kind of an intro-programming course; well, it is. I shouldn't say it's kind of an introprogramming

course. It is an intro-programming course. And it's always good to get an

idea as to how much familiarity you may have beforehand, okay? So just quick show of

hands. How many people can recognize a computer that's on? Good, good. That's the

prerequisite[n. 先决条件] for this class.

So if you're worried about how much previous experience you've had or your friend who,

like, worked their way through high school by programming for Google or whatever,

don't worry about it because all you need to know in here is basically either how to turn a

computer on or to recognize a computer that's on if you were to walk up to it and it were

already to be on, all right?

So but a little bit more seriously, how many people have actually used a computer for

anything? All right. I would expect most of you.

So now, we begin to bump it up a notch[再加把劲, 原意是给压力计加压使它再上一个刻度]. How many people have used it for word

processing? Okay. Most folks.

How many people have done web browsing? Yeah, I won't ask you what you look at, all

right? It's just I don't wanna know.

How many people have actually created a web page? Okay. Fair number.

How many people have done any kind of programming before? Fair number. All right.

How about how many folks have done actually programmed in Java before? All right. A

few folks.

How about another language, C, C++, BASIC, anyone program in BASIC? Yeah, oh, I

love — that was the first language I learned, and it was kind of like the warm and fuzzy,

and I felt good. There was actually people who argued that if you learn BASIC as your

first language, you're brain damaged, then you're just beyond help. But if that's the case,

we're all in the boat together because I'm probably brain damaged as well. The truth is I

probably am, but that's a whole different story.

All right. So one thing you should know kind of up front is actually this course is gonna

be provided eventually somewhere down the line as part of Stanford School of

Engineering Free Course Initiative, which means not only are we recording this course to

broadcast to a bunch of companies and industry who are watching this course, but we're

eventually gonna provide it free to the world.

So how does that impact your life? And on the average day, it doesn't at all. The only

way it does impact your life is just so you should know, the lawyers told me to tell you

that your voice, should you ask a question, may actually be recorded as part of the video.

As a result, your voice may end up going out to thousands of people or millions of people

in the world. If you have an issue with that, come talk to me. If you don't, everything is

just fine, all right?

Don't worry. We're not gonna put your picture up or anything like that. You might wanna

be on the video, like, "Hey, ma, I'm on TV." We decided that we're just gonna not show

anyone actually on the video, but your voice may actually get recorded, okay?

Now, along those lines, you may also notice there are some microphones in the room. So

when you wanna ask a question, please make sure to use the microphone because that's

not only good for people in here to be able to hear your question, it's also good for all the

folks that this is getting broadcast to because not only are we gonna broadcast to the

world, but there's actually some folks who are sort of watching this live now in various

companies in Silicon Valley.

So it's real important that you actually use the microphone, so just remember that. And

every once in a while, I might get on your case and be, like, "Please use the microphone."

I'm not trying to be argumentative[a. 爱争论的,好辩论的] or anything. I just wanna make sure we pick up all the

audio, all right?

So with that said, a little bit of an introduction. That's kind of a way of background. I

didn't give you any sort of introduction. So just to introduce myself, my name's Mehran

Sahami. I'm the professor for the class. Don't call my Professor Sahami, way too formal.

Don't call me Mr. Sahami. That, I think of my dad. And don't call me Mrs. Sahami, or

we're gonna have issues, all right? So just call me Mehran. We'll get along. It's just fine,

all right? It's to keep things a little bit more informal, but that way it's a little bit easier to

discuss stuff as you go along.

There is also a head TA[abbr. 助教(teaching assistant)] for the class, Ben Newman, who's standing up there. Get to know

Ben. He has all the real power in this class. I'm just kind of the monkey that gets up here

and gives the lectures. But Ben really is the one who's got all the power.

Along with the head TA for the class, we have a large section leading staff. So the section

leaders here, could you stand up if you're here? They're kind of all over the place, some

over here, some over there, and some over there. As you can see, there's a pretty large

number of folks. And this isn't even all of them. We sort of have more — we just can't

stuff them all into the room — who are section leaders for the class, and these folks are

all here to make sure that everyone in this class has as good an experience as possible

when we're sort of going through the class.

And the best way to reach all of us is email. So on Handout No. 1, you get my email and

Ben's email. We'll tell you how to sign up for section. That's how you'll meet your section

leader and get your section leader's email. That will all be coming soon. But email really

is kind of a happy form of communication to get a hold of us, okay?

So with that said, I wanna tell you a little bit about this class and kind of what we're

gonna do in here and what you should expect and make sure that you don't feel scared off

by this class, okay? Because it really is meant to sort of be an interesting time.

But one question that comes up is why is this class called Programming Methodology,

right? Why don't we just call this class, like, Programming with Java? And the real reason

for that is that programming methodology is about good software engineering principles.

It's about something that's much larger than just programming.

So some people, like, they'll go and get a book somewhere and they'll think they learned

how to program by just reading the book. And they're, like, "Oh, I know how to program.

Isn't that great?" And it's, like, yeah, you might know the mechanics of the language, but

the mechanics of the language are nothing compared to understanding the software

engineering principles that go into actually developing a software system.

And that's what you're gonna learn about in this class. You're gonna learn a lot of those

principles. But in order to be able to use those principles and apply them, you also need

to have the language to program in, and that language that we're gonna use in this class is



So the way I like to think about it and the way I tell a lot of people is writing a good

program or learning how to program is like learning to be a good essay[散文] writer. And

you're, like, "Oh, but part of the reason I'm taking this class, Mehran, is that I don't like

writing essays." That's fine. It's okay. Trust me. I didn't like writing essays either.

But the whole point is that when you write an essay, it's not a formulated kind of thing.

You're, like, "Well, what about five-paragraph essays?" Yeah, just block that from your

mind. That was a bad time, right? That was just, like, '70s education at work. It's not a

formulated kind of thing.

There's an art to writing an essay, right? In order to write an essay, you need to know a

language. You need to know English or German or Hindi or whatever language you

wanna use, but then you use that language to write an essay. Just knowing the language

doesn't make you a good essay writer though. Being a good essay writer makes you a

good essay writer.

So that's the same difference in programming and software engineering. Knowing the

language, in order to be a good programmer, like a good essayist, you need to know a

language to write your programs in, whether that be Java or C or C++ or whatever. Here

we're gonna use Java.

But just knowing the language doesn't make you a good software engineer and doesn't

make you understand what the principles are of writing good software, which is what

you're also gonna get in this class in addition to the language, and that's kind of a key

thing to stress.

So if you're sort of worried, if you were kind of looking around and you saw a bunch of

people raising their hands when I asked, "Do you have any previous programming

experience?" and some folks raised their hands, and you got a little worried and you're

like, "Oh, am I gonna be in some sense at a disadvantage because I haven't done any

programming before?" The answer, plain and simple, is no, okay? You're gonna learn

everything you need to learn from the first principle because as a matter of fact, in some

cases you might be in slightly better shape. That's not necessarily to say that that's the

way it will be.

But how many people are Star Wars fans? Just wondering. Anyone? I'm talking about the

old-school, original, like, three movies. Those were so good, and we're not — no George

R. Binks here, all right? So if you remember — and sort of I'm a big Star Wars fan, and

that's just a whole separate point. But in the second movie, Yoda actually said something

which I thought was quite profound, which is he says sometimes you have to unlearn

what you have learned.

And one of the things we actually find is that some people who are self-taught

programmers, some of them are just fine, and some of them are very good. But some of

them have picked up some really bad habits along the way, and it's like being a bad essay

writer. And to go from being a bad essay writer to a good essay writer, in some cases, can

actually be harder than from not being an essay writer to being a good essay writer

because you have to unlearn the bad habits.

So if you're worried about, "Oh, I've had no previous experience," don't worry. You're

okay, blank slate, you're just fine. And now if you're thinking, "Oh, I have some previous

experience. Do I have bad habits?" Don't worry. You'll be fine, too, okay? So it's all

gonna work out.

So the next question that kind of comes up — hopefully that helps put some of your fears

aside. Another one of the things is that we really strive to make everyone successful in

this class, okay? At some other schools, people wanna do computer science or they

wanna do an engineering major or whatever. And you come into the first day of class,

and they say, "Oh, only one third of you are actually gonna make it through this program.

And look to the person to your left and look to the person to your right, and only one of

you will make it through." And you're, like, "Oh, man, that's real nice." It's not like that


As a matter of fact, we want all of you to be extremely successful in this class, which is

why we have a huge course staff, which is why over years and years we've refined how

we do a lot of the teaching in this class to make sure you have the best possible

experience and to make sure that everyone gets through.

And the important thing about that is that you're not competing against anyone except

yourself in this class. It's not like we're gonna have a curve and we're gonna say, "Oh, we

have a certain number of "F"s and a certain number of "D"s and a certain number of

"C"s." All we really have going into it is an expectation that when you get out of here,

there's a set of stuff we want you to know. And if you know that stuff well, you get an

"A." And if everyone knows that stuff well, everyone gets an "A." And I got no problems

with that. Registrar might have a problem with that, but that's okay. You don't need to

worry about that.

So you don't need to think about, oh, is someone else doing better than you or whatever.

And we'll talk about issues of collaboration in just a little bit. All you need to think about

is learning the stuff yourself as well as you possibly can, and you'll be just fine and you'll

get a good grade, okay? So that's really all we ask, which is not a trivial amount, right? It

requires you to really understand the material.

So another question that comes up is are you in the right place, right? This isn't the only

introductory programming class at Stanford. And so I wanna spend a little bit of time

making sure you actually are in the right place by going over some of the different



So right now, as you know, you're in CS106A. And CS106A, we're sort of happy over

here, right? As a matter of fact, we're not only happy, we're happy and we're also a little

bit loopy[adj. 多圈的;呆头呆脑的], right? There is no previous programming experience required, as I mentioned,

right? All you need to know is basically if you can get to a computer and know how to

figure out that it's on, you're in good shape.

But what 106A does is it's a real rigorous[严厉的,严酷的,严格的] class. You learn programming in here, and you

learn it in a way that makes you ready to be an engineer if you so choose to be an

engineer. That's not to say you're all gonna be engineers. I would love for all of you to be

computer science majors, but statistics in the past show only about 6 percent of you will

be computer science majors. That's not because we turn anyone off to computer science;

it's because we make programming accessible to so many people that you don't have to be

a computer science or a Double E or even an engineering major to do extremely well in

the class.

And we actually have sort of a significant percentage of the entire campus undergraduate

student body at Stanford actually goes through this class and does well, okay? So don't

worry if you're, like, "Oh, but I'm not really a CS person." I hope we'll turn you into one

by the end of the class. No, it's okay. But you'll be prepared if that's what you wanna do.

So this leads into a whole engineering sequence that can go on to other engineering

majors or the computer science majors.

If you're, like, "Huh, I'm not sure if that's really what I wanna do. As a matter of fact, I'm

so sure that's not what I wanna do, I only wanna get the general educational requirement

out of the way, and I'm positive there is nothing else I wanna do. Really, no matter how

much I like it, like, there is no way you're gonna drag me into anything that would

involve anything remotely techie." They're the class CS105. And this is happy, yeah, this

is kind of, oh, we're happy in our little happy world. And I don't wanna say it's holding

hands and singing, "Kumbaya," because that's not what it is. It's a real class. But it's

meant to be a general educational requirement, right? It doesn't lead into the 106s. It's

meant to be its own self-contained class. You do some Java script in there. You do a little

bit of what computers are about.

Computers in society is a good time. We all hold hands. We're all happy. I don't teach the

class, so I don't actually hold hands. But it's a fun time, okay? It just doesn't lead to

anything else. So think of this as kind of a terminal class, right? So it's sort of like, well,

we'll hook you up to the IV drip.

And you're, like, "Well, 106A, you told me I don't need any previous background. Well,

hey, Mehran, I got lots of background. I got so much background, it hurts. I got AP

background, I got working through school doing software engineering background. I'm

not sure I should be here." That could be the case.

We have another class called CS106X, and as the "X" kind of implies, it's sort of the

extreme games version of the class. No, it stands for accelerated, right, because "A" was

already taken, so we had to come up with something else. So the way CS106X works is it

really is a very fast-paced class. It's meant for people who've got previous AP exam

credit, like, got a 4 or 5 on the AP, or have had significant and prior programming

experience before.

If you're not sure which one of these classes is for you, you can come talk to me

afterwards, or I'd also encourage you, you could go to pick up the syllabus for CS106X

and compare it to CS106A. This class is all in C++. And if you're thinking, "Hey,

Mehran, I'm doing 106A. I wanna learn Java and C++," don't worry. You'll eventually, if

you so choose, take a class called CS106B, which is where this class sort of leads to,

which is C++ and all of the other stuff you would have learned in this accelerated class,

okay? So you still certainly have that course path.

So don't let anyone make you think — I know a lot of times, and especially for Stanford

students, you come in here and you're, like, "Well, every class I took in high school was

like an honors or an AP class, or if it wasn't an honors or an AP class, like, I had to tie

half my brain before my head because I'm just that hardcore." And so everyone just wants

to, like, do the most hardcore thing they can, right? And what I'm here to tell you is that

you shouldn't necessarily think about it that way. You should think about it as where you

feel most comfortable.

Some number of years ago, let's just say greater than 10, maybe 15, I was sitting where

you're sitting right now, literally. I was in CS106A in Terman Auditorium as a freshman,

okay? It was perfectly fine. It worked out. I went to grad school, did the faculty thing. It's

just fine. It will open your doors to CS. You're not at any kind of disadvantage by starting

here. So know where you've been, literally. Like, that seat right there was where I was

most of the time. So just something to keep in mind in terms of the different options that

are actually available to you.

Now, with that said, let's just assume for the rest of this lecture that this is the right place

for you. And if it's not, well, afterwards we can kind of talk about it, or if you really are

convinced now that it's not the right place, you can feel free and try to scramble over 20

of your classmates and actually leave the room, which is probably impossible.

All right. So a few other things you should know, some mechanics. So Handout No. 1,

should you wanna follow along at home, is the class web page. And so all the stuff that

we think of as course materials, including online copies of the handouts, things that you'll

need to do for the assignments, announcements related to the class are all on the class

web page, which is And because that's just kind of a

whole bunch to remember, we make your life easy and so there is an equivalent form of

the URL, which is just, which is the easy thing to remember. You

put that in, it'll take you to the class web page, okay?

And you should check that regularly because all the announcements and handouts —

we'll give out hard copies of all the handouts in class, but should you happen to miss

class for whatever reason, you wanna go print whatever copies of the handouts we're

actually giving out, you can find them all on the web page, okay?

Now, there's this funky thing about units. So you may have noticed that this class is for

three to five units, and that kind of brings up the natural question, "Should I take it for

three or five units?" If you're an undergrad, you take it for five units, end of story. That's

life in the city. Congratulations. Five units.

If you're a graduate student, you can have the option of taking it for three units if you

want, if you're gonna run into some unit cap. It doesn't change the amount of work you

have to do. Welcome to graduate school. Same work, fewer units. So that's just the way

life is. If you have a unit cap and you're a grad student, in three units you can take it if

you want. You can take it for five if you want as well. If you're an undergrad, you take it

for five, all right?

So why is it five units? And you might think, "Hey, this class only meets three times a

week. How come it's five units?" Well, it actually has a fourth meeting every week,

which is your section, and that's something you should sign up for. So how you actually

sign up for your section is sections are at a bunch of different times. You don't sign up for

them in Axess, even though they're all kind of listed in the time schedule. That's not

where you sign up for them. In Axess, you just sign up for the class.

How you sign up for a section is you go to a website, and this

will give us a list of preferences for section times that you wanna sign up for, and there's

some matching process that goes on. It takes all your preferences into consideration with

the whole system, and eventually you get an email by sometime early next week that tells

you what section you're in. And section's 50 minutes, once a week. It's required to go to.

It's actually gonna be part of your class participation grade, which we'll talk about in just

a bit, okay?


When do these sign-ups happen? They happen between 5:00 p.m. this Thursday is when

they go up. So if you try to go there now, you can't sign up. Remember 5:00 p.m.

Thursday. So they're up, and then they're down at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, okay? So make

sure you sign up probably this weekend. If you're planning on being out of town this

weekend, you wanna sign up before you go. Sign up early, but don't sign up often

because you only need one section, okay?

If you're an SCPD student — every once in a while you'll hear me refer to SCPD

students. That stands for Stanford Center for Professional Development. They are the

folks in industry who actually take this class via broadcast. If you're an SCPD student,

you're automatically enrolled for a section, so you don't actually need to do this, and your

section will meet at — so for SCPD — and if you're wondering what an SCPD student is,

you're not one, okay? So SCPD section meets Friday from 1:15 to 2:05. It meets live, if

you wanna go there live, in Skilling Auditorium. But if you're watching it remotely, it

meets on Channel E2. I know it seems weird to say it meets on channel — what does that

mean? It meets on Channel E2, okay? That is grammatically the correct way of saying it.

All right. So there's a little bit more administrative stuff. Now, textbooks, right?

Textbooks, there's nothing quite like the extortion that is textbooks. So there are two

textbooks that are required for this class. Well, one's a course reader and one's a textbook.

The course reader is called, Karel the Robot Learns Java. You can pick it up at the

bookstore. It's relatively cheap. It was actually written by Eric Roberts here. And

surprisingly enough, the textbook for the class was also written by Eric Roberts, The Art

and Science of Java, which is available now in your local bookstore, including the

bookstore on campus, so you can go and pick up a copy of this.

So both these things you actually wanna have because they're required for the class. We'll

go through all of them. We'll go through basically everything except the last chapter of

this book. So you sort of get your money's worth. We're just gonna do it a little bit out of

order, but we'll go through the whole thing, okay?

So email, how many of you have email accounts? All right. I will ask the reverse question

because I think at this point, some people just don't wanna put up their hands. How many

people don't have email accounts? Odd how that is not the complement of the folks who

had their hands up previously. Email's required for this class. Chances are, by being at

Stanford, you've already gotten an email account through your SUNet ID, but if you don't

have an email account, get an email account and that's how you'll stay in contact with us.

That's how we'll stay in contact with you, except we'll also meet with you live in person,

but email is kind of the general method for communication.

As a matter of fact, for your first assignment, and part of your first assignment is to send

us an email, just because we love you and we don't get enough email as it is. So you need

to have an email account to be able to do that. So if you have not already, you can kind of

get ahead of the game and go set up your email account. Now, don't worry. You'll get the

first assignment next time. So you still get, like, two days of breathing space before your

assignment goes out, okay?

There is also gonna be lots of handouts in the class. They'll be either given out in class,

well, they will be given out in class, but we'll also post them online in case you miss


And how much real work do you do in this class? That's always kind of an interesting

question. So let's talk a little bit about assignments and a little bit of other logistical

things. So assignments, we'll just call them the dreaded assigns. There are seven

programming assignments. And if you look at the syllabus Handout No. 2, it tells you

when all of them are due all the way through by day, so you can plan out your whole

quarter. It's just that much fun, okay?

And these seven programming assignments are weighted slightly more toward the last

assignments because the assignments will tend to get more complicated. That doesn't

necessarily mean there'll be more programming; it just means conceptually, they'll

become more complicated, so we tend to weigh them more toward the end of the class.

So the later assignments count more than the early assignments.

How you're gonna be actually doing your programming is using a little tool called

Eclipse. And Eclipse thankfully is free, so you don't have to pay for it. As a matter of

fact, you can download it from the CS106A website. And if you're wondering how you

do that, don't worry. We'll give you a handout next class that explains to you the whole

grueling process of downloading and installing Eclipse.

And you can use this either on the Mac or the PC. So if you have your own computer,

you can certainly work on this yourself. You just download it to your own machine. We'll

explain the whole process in a handout. If you don't have your own computer, the public

computer clusters on campus will have Eclipse installed on them, and so you can use

Eclipse there. So you're sort of happy to go either way, okay?

Now, the important thing, remember I mentioned that whole notion of software

engineering in the class, and that's something we take really seriously, so seriously as a

matter of fact that when you turn in your assignments, one thing we could do is we could

take your assignments and we could just kind of look at it and go, "Yeah, interesting, 'B.'

Here you go. Thanks for playing." And you don't learn a whole lot from them. So in order

to actually learn a lot from your assignments, we could take your assignment and write a

whole bunch of comments on it and hand it back to you. Even that's kind of not enough.

What really is a little bit more that makes it more fun is every week after you turn in your

assignment and your section leader looks it over and grades it, you'll actually meet with

your section leader for about 10 to 15 minutes every week or every time an assignment is

due to actually go over in something referred to as interactive grading.

And it's a chance to sit there and talk with an actual human being about what's good in

your assignment, what are some of the things you need to work on, what are some of the

software engineering principles you need to develop. And that way, you can really sort of

get more detailed information and be able to ask questions to develop yourself as a

programmer as well as get help if you need help, okay?

And that's in addition to going to section, going to class and all that stuff. So it's another

15 minutes a week. You'll actually schedule that time with your section leader on a

regular basis when you're gonna have interactive grading or just affectionately referred to

as IGs because at Stanford, everything's just short and we just can't say, like, psychology;

we have to say psyche. So it's IG. Just remember that, all right?

And then how are these things graded? So the other thing we could do is I told you we

could just write "B" and hand it back to you. But we found that that's not really great

because people get all wrapped around the axle about the grade.

And so for a while, we did numbers and we're, like, huh, why don't we give a number

between 1 and 20? And so what happens there? People get all wrapped around the axle

about numbers.

So then we thought, huh, what was a happier time when we were in school? I remember

when we were in school, and we used to get back assignments and they had, like, smiley

faces on them. Well, we can't do that because then it doesn't appear to be a rigorous

Stanford class.

So instead of the smiley face, we come up with something else, which looks surprisingly

like this. It's kind of involved to actually draw, so I need to erase the board to do it.

Check. That's kind of the beginning of our grading scale, okay?

And the way our grading scale works is we start off with a check in the middle, which

says this is a pretty solid program. It meets all the requirements for the program. Maybe

it's got a little problem here or there, but it's a check. Then we have sort of two grades on

the two sides of it: check plus and check minus.

Check plus is, like, solid. You did a great job; you got everything right; things look good,

a nice style in your program, nice software engineering, and the program works

flawlessly. Good job. This is like total "A." Check is kind of like, yeah, you're sort of

there. It's kind of like "A" minus, "B" plus, maybe on some occasions "B." But it's kind

of like it's pretty good work; you're in pretty good shape here. And so a lot of grades in

this class ends up being check pluses and checks, and if that's the case, you're perfectly

fine grade-wise.

Check minus, as you can imagine, this is kind of thinking about "B," "B" minus. It's,

yeah, there are some slightly more significant problems with your program.

But that's not where it ends, right, because we wanna be able to even shoot for in some

sense bigger gustoes. There was a plus and a minus. So plus is like, oh, nice job, kind of a

hearty pat on the back. If you get pluses all the way through on all your assignments,

you're in a pretty good candidate to get an "A" plus.

And minus, like, just take good over here and replace it with bad, it's kind of like, oh, bad

times, right, or maybe, you know — but even there was, like, more significant problems

with this program or just the style on the program is just really bad. But even there, we

don't stop. And you're, like, "Come on, man. Like, I thought the whole reason was to

simplify this." Don't worry.

And it gets even better because we have a plus-plus and a minus-minus. And at this point,

we've run out of board space, so we can't go any further. But a plus-plus is just

outrageous, right? It's the kind of thing — so this is the kind of thing your section leader

can't actually give you without coming and talking to Ben and I first because they get a

program that just goes — it has to actually exceed the requirements for the assignment.

It's by a long shot. Like, you'll get all your assignment requirements, and what we

encourage you to do is you can do a grade assignment and get everything right and have

good style, and you'll be in this category. And for the later assignments, you may be in

this category if it's flawless.

But we'll actually — if you want to go for the plus-plus, go beyond the assignment

requirements. And the way we think about the plus-plus, it's a program that makes you

weep in a good way. It's just like your section leader sees it, and they're just, like, this is

so good, I've gotta show someone else. And they come and show Ben and I, and we're,

like, sitting there looking at this on a monitor, and, like, tears are just welling in our eyes,

and there was, like, soft violin music playing in the background and we get out the wine

and cheese.

So this is just, like, this is the kind of thing that gets you, like, remembered and the, oh, if

you want a letter of recommendation, just ask because you got a plus-plus. Like, oh, it's

awesome, right?

There are very few of these in a quarter. So just by sort of way of comparison, in a class

this size, probably throughout the span of the whole quarter, I'd expect there to be maybe

ten plus-pluses, I mean, ten assignment plus-pluses, not ten students who get plus-pluses

across the board. So it's really something to strive for, but if you strive for it, like, we're

giving you the credit for it. And this gets remembered and you get, like, extra credit and


So we're left with this, right? This assignment also makes you weep, but not in the good

way, right? It makes you kind of weep in the sense, like, I look at them and I'm, like, oh,

man, like, what did I teach? Like, where did I go wrong, right? I, like, blame myself. I

blame you a little bit, but I blame myself. And this is really just, like, the program is just,

like, it's a shell. Like, there really wasn't much effort that was put into it. Yeah, you

slapped something together or it doesn't really work, that whole deal.

And then if you don't turn anything in, we do kind of reserve the zero to distinguish from

the "made really bad effort" versus "didn't make any effort at all." And we just won't talk

about these, right? Let's just hope we can avoid those if possible. But that's kind of how

the grading scale works now.

Now, at the same time, I trust all of you to be responsible people. And every once in a

while, something bad happens to a good person, and there's an assignment that you'd like

to be able to turn in, but for whatever reason, you can't turn in on time. And I just wanna

treat you like adults. I don't want you to have to worry about coming in and asking for an

extension or, like, "Oh, I had this really hard thing in another class, and I couldn't do it at

the same time." Up front, everyone gets two free extensions, okay? So in terms of late

days — we refer to these as late days, strangely enough — you get two free ones.

What a late day is, is a class day. They're not 24-hour days, but class days. So if

something is due on a Wednesday, you turned in on a Friday, that's a late day. That's one.

You turn it in on the following Monday, that's two late days. You can split up your two

late days among two different assignments. You can use them both on one assignment.

But we encourage you to not use them at all because if you use your late days, you fall

behind in the class. The way you should think about these things are these are preapproved

extensions. They're not the kind of thing where you just think, "Oh, yeah, I'm

not gonna do the assignment because I wanna go and play Frisbee golf," right? Think of

it, well, you wouldn't come ask me for an extension — you might, but you probably

wouldn't ask me for an extension if you're, like, "Hey, hey, Mehran, can I turn in the

assignment, like, on Wednesday because I'm playing Frisbee golf this afternoon," right?

If you would feel embarrassed asking that question, you probably don't wanna use one of

your free late days.

But something happens like, oh, it's a tough week, you've got midterms in other classes

and you got this assignment due or whatever, that's a good time to use it. So we just trust

you. And most people, we actually encourage you not to use them because it just makes

you fall behind in the class.

Because we trust you and we give you these two up front, getting extensions beyond your

two free class days is virtually impossible because we sort of up front said, hey, it's your

responsibility. We're giving you two freebies. We're not gonna give you a third extension.

Imagine if you had to come ask us for three extensions. By the third one, we'd be, like,

okay, what's going on, which is why we don't necessarily give extensions beyond these


The only time we might give an extension beyond the two free ones is for something

major, like death in the family or, like, serious medical problems that might require

surgery or something like that. Every once in a while, unfortunately, that happens. I hope

it doesn't happen in this class. But those are the only kinds of things that we give

extensions to beyond the two free late days.

Importantly, don't ask your section leader for extensions. They cannot grant you

extensions. Only Ben, who has all the power in this class, can give extensions, which is

why you should get to know Ben and then hopefully you won't need to talk to him about

extensions, okay?

So other thing to keep in mind is that three days late is the max. Beyond three days late,

which is basically one class week, if you think about late days being class days, we will

not accept an assignment. And the reason for that is at a certain point, you're so late,

you're better off just doing the next assignment, letting the old one go. So to sort of

enforce that policy, after three days, we don't accept that assignment late anymore. It's

just gonna be a zero if it's not turned in, okay? And that just kind of forces you to keep


Couple other minor things, well, I shouldn't say they're minor things. They're actually

kind of important. Exams: There's two exams in this class. There's a midterm and a final.

Both of them are, well, I shouldn't say both. The midterm is out of class. It's from 7:00 to

8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 30. And it's on the syllabus. It's there. It's on the syllabus;

it's on Handout No. 1. We repeat it multiple times. The date will eventually be announced

when we get close to the midterm.

But if you have a conflict with this time, you need to send me email, okay? You can send

me email a little closer to the midterm because I'll announce it again for people who have

conflicts. But since it's an out-of-class exam, you need to send me email if you have a

conflict. I'll get all the constraints from people who have conflicts and try to schedule an

alternate time if there's enough people with conflicts. But 7:00 to 8:30 is when you need

to know about the midterm.

And to make up for the fact that we have an out-of-class midterm, I actually give you sort

of a belated free day, which is the Friday of the week of the midterm, we don't have class

to make up for the fact that we made you come to the midterm outside of class. But the

midterm's an hour and a half, and we can't compress time. If we could, we'd have

different issues. We can't compress time and fit it into a 50 minute class, which is why it's

out of class, but you get a free day for it, all right?

Last but not least, few things about grading. Grading, one of those things as you might be

able to tell from this little board over here or something, if I didn't have to do it, I

wouldn't do it because honestly, as corny as this sounds, I just believe in the love of

learning. Like, I think if you're passionate about something, you just go do it and you

learn it. But I'm naïve, and so that's not the way learning always works. So sometimes we

actually need grading to make sure that learning takes place.

And so this is how your grade breaks down: Forty-five percent of your grade is on the

programming assignments, okay? Fifteen percent is the midterm, which we'll just call the

mid because we like to abbreviate everything. Thirty percent is the final. It's a three-hour

final exam in the regular final time slot for this class.

If you think or are under the delusion that you should take two classes at the same time,

that's a bad idea because their final exams are at the same time, okay? So you should not

take two classes as the same time because our final exam is scheduled for — I believe it's

December 13, which is a Thursday, 12:15 to 3:15. That's the regular final exam slot for

this class. And any other class at the same time will conflict with that slot. Thirty percent

of your grade is the final.

And that, if you add it all up, it's not just that I'm bad with math. It's because 10 percent

of your grade is actually participation. And this is things like did you go to your

interactive grading sessions? Did you regularly attend section? Did you participate in

section? Did you participate in class, right?

And so, in order to help you participate in class, there's a little incentive to participate in

class, which is sugar in the afternoon. So someone raise their hand. All right. Yeah,

sometimes I'm not a good shot. And this will tell you, if you're sitting in the back of the

room, I can't throw a Kit Kat back there because they're a little too light. Oh, yeah, sorry.

If you sit in the back of the room, the roof prevents me from actually being able to hit

you. So if you want the food, come up. But if you ask questions in class, hey, that's a

good time. It's just a little way to be able to reward you for actually participating in class

or to keep your blood sugar up if you need it, all right?

So that's participation. It's 10 percent of your grade, and as a matter of fact, at the end of

the quarter, I ask every one of your section leaders to actually tell me how much you

participated in class, and some of them just say, "Oh, this person was wonderful. They

came every time. They participated. It's just a great thing." And that helps your grade out

a lot, okay?

Now, the final thing, and as you can kind of tell, most of the time, I'm not the most

serious person in the world. I just like to have fun with things, and I think it's important

for you to have fun with things. There is just one place where I get real serious, and it's

one place where Stanford gets real serious. Anyone wanna guess what that is? Plagiarism

and the honor code. As a matter of fact, that's what we call a social. So we had someone

down here who got it and then a whole bunch of people who I don't know, so we just

spray. All right.

So the honor code, in terms of the honor code, the question comes up is what is the honor

code all about, and how does that affect working in groups and computer science, etc.?

Does that mean we shouldn't talk to each other? No. The answer to all those is no, okay?

If you look at Handout No. 4, which is all about the honor code, we encourage you to talk

to each other. We encourage you to talk about concepts in the class, talk about different

strategies to problems, to think about the ways that you could potentially approach some

problem or the way different control constructs when we eventually get to them work in

the class. And discussion is perfectly fine, especially among the course staff, but also

amongst yourselves. That's a great thing.

So where do we draw the line? And we try to make a bright line for where you've crossed

the line for the honor code, which is don't share code, plain and simple, in any respect,

okay? Don't give a file to someone else that's got your code in it. Don't get code from

someone else. Don't look at someone else's printout. Don't give them a printout.

If you have two people who are sitting looking at the same screen together, that code

can't belong to both of you. It belongs to one of you. I don't know which one, but it

becomes an honor code violation. So you shouldn't both — two people shouldn't be

staring at the monitor together. If it ever gets to the point where you're looking at

someone else's code, that's where you're gonna reach an issue, okay? Discuss as much as

you want. That's great. Write your own code. That's all we care about.

And you're, like, "Well, what is code, Mehran? What does that word mean?" Code is

geek speak for your program, so when you program, the program that you write is what

we affectionately refer to as code. And the idea of programming is what we refer to as

coding, strangely enough. Computer scientists need to make everything more

complicated than it really is so we can get people under the illusion that they should pay

us lots of money to do what we do. I mean, you're, like, "Oh, I just write programs." And

they're, like, "Oh, yeah, I should pay you half." And you're, like, "No, no, no. I write

code." And they're, like, "Oh, yeah." Suddenly, it's much more impressive. So don't share


The other thing is if you talk to other people, like if you have a study group to talk about

solution approaches or you go, let's say, talk to the TA or your section leader to how you

should approach a problem, and they give you a lot of hints as to how to do it, cite

collaboration. So cite and collaboration gets you out of trouble. Any collaboration that

you cite you cannot be held responsible for under the honor code.

You can actually copy someone else's program and say, "I copied this program from

Mary Smith." And I'll look at that and say, "They cited it," and it will warm the cockles

of my heart. And Mary Smith will get full credit, and you'll get a zero because you copied

your program from Mary Smith, but it's not an honor code violation because you cited the

work, okay? So the bottom line is keep yourself safe and cite your collaborations. And I

guarantee you most of the time, you'll be just fine.

Now, you might wonder why do I make such a big deal about this. And the reason I make

a big deal about this is for a while, thankfully it's not true anymore, but for a while, the

computer science department actually had more honor code violations than the rest of the

university combined. Take everything else in the university, put them all together, they

were like over here. And we're, like, we're computer science, which is not a fun

distinction to have, let me tell you.

And you might wonder why is that? Is that because computer science people are just

mischievous and dishonest? No. It's because it's easier to catch honor code violations in

computer science. We have a whole bunch of tools that allow us — then we take all your

programs and we run them through this tool, and it compares them not only to everyone

else in here, but, like, to everyone from the last, like, X years where X is the large

number of people who've ever gone through the classes, right? And it's an extremely

good tool from finding where honor code violations happen, from where they don't. And

it doesn't find spurious violations.

To be honest, I've never lost an honor code case. When I find an honor code case, it is

blatant. And you take it to judicial affairs, and they look at it, and they're, like, yeah, this

is blatant. And I take it to the student, and every student I've ever confronted them with

never said, "No, no, no. I didn't cheat." They said, "You caught me," okay? So it's blatant.

It's not like, oh, there's some little line in it, "Oh, am I gonna need to worry about an

honor code violation?" Remember those rules, you have nothing to worry about in this

class. It's people who go and, like, fish out printouts from the recycle bins and copy other

people's code that are the people we catch, right? It's blatant cheating that we catch. But

we catch it. We catch it all the time. So I hope, I pray it doesn't happen in this class.

But the reason I make a big deal about it is historically if I look at the evidence, it

happens and we catch it. And when we catch it, we're required by the university to

prosecute. And I feel bad because usually it's someone who just made a bad call, like,

they were up way too late the night before working on something else, and they're not

thinking straight. And rather than just taking a late day or turning in their assignment late

and getting a slight penalty on it beyond their two free late days, they decide to cheat.

And that's just always the wrong call, okay? So you just don't wanna put yourself in that

situation. So I get real serious about it for a moment, and hopefully it won't be an issue

and we can just kind of go on, okay?

So with that said, that's a whole bunch of logistical stuff. Any questions about the

logistics of this class or anything I just talked about? Uh huh?

Student:You had briefly mentioned the late penalty.

Instructor (Mehran Sahami):Oh, the late penalty, good point. So remember our little

bucket scale. If you go beyond your two free late days, every day you turn in an

assignment late beyond those, it drops down one bucket. So let's say you already used

your two free late days on Assignment No. 1. And on Assignment No. 2, you turned in

something one day late and you would have gotten a check normally, it becomes a check

minus. So that's how it is. It's one bucket per late day beyond your two free ones. Uh


Student:Are the sections first come, first served?

Instructor (Mehran Sahami):Yeah, the sign-ups, well, they take into consideration your

preference, but part of your preference is to do the match is first come, first served. So

you wanna sign up early. Oh, thanks for your honesty. As a matter of fact, I dig honesty,

all right? Any other questions? It's just honesty's cool. Uh huh?

Student:How much time should we plan on studying [inaudible]?

Instructor (Mehran Sahami):Oh, good question. How much time should you plan? And

this is something that I say for classes in general at Stanford, which is not always true,

which is take the number of units that a class is, multiply it by three. That's how many

hours you'll spend per week in that class, total, on average. So what that means is in

106A, a 5 unit class, you multiply by 3, you get 15. Five of those hours are roughly spent

between class, section, interactive grading, other stuff. That means on average about ten

hours a week will be spent on your assignments in this class. Again, that's an average.

Sometimes when I go to computer science conferences, I sit there and joke around with

plans. And we're, like, "Oh, how long did your assignments take?" And I say, "Oh, on

average, ten hours." And what I really mean when I say on average 10 hours is they take

between 3 and 45, okay? It's a large variance event, right? Ten is the average. Some

people take a really long time. Some people get through it really quickly, but that's about

the average you can plan for. Uh huh? Another question?

Student:[Inaudible] late days [inaudible] class days?

Instructor (Mehran Sahami):Yeah, all late days are class days, so the free ones — the

halfway mark's really my reach. That's about it. All right.

So I do wanna give you your very beginning of an introduction to programming before

we sort of break for the day. How are we doing on time? And so in order to kind of see

this, there's a few things that we wanna keep in mind.

Actually, let me show you a little picture, okay? Sometimes when we talk about writing

programs, we talk about debugging programs, right? How many people ever heard the

term debugging or bugs in programs? A bug in a program is an error in a program, so

sometimes when you hear us say, "Oh, come see," like, your section leader to help debug

or see the helpers in LaIR.

That's another thing. In the Tresidder computer cluster is the LaIR. It's a computer cluster

that we have helpers there to help you get through this class. What is it? Sunday through

Thursday, every week, from around 2:00 in the afternoon 'til midnight every day, okay, to

help you get through the class. So that's a good place if, you know, you can work in your

dorm room certainly, but if you also want help, go to the Tresidder computer cluster, and

there will be helpers there. There's a little queue you sign up for to get help, and that's a

great place, and it's all explained in Handout No. 1, but that's just something to keep in


Where the term debugging comes from, it turns out this is an apocryphal story, but I'll tell

you anyway. Back in the days of yore, in 1945 actually, there was a computer called the

Mark II at Harvard. And there was a woman named Grace Murray Hopper. Anyone ever

heard of Grace Murray Hopper? A few folks. She was actually the first woman who was

an admiral in the navy. And she was also one of the very early pioneers of computer

programming. She did a lot of computer programming when she was actually a captain,

and she was stationed at Harvard as part of some sort of navy thing. I don't know why,

but that's what happened.

And they had this huge computer there, and they were noticing the computer was on the

fritz, and they couldn't understand what was wrong. And this is one of these big old

machines in the days of yore that has vacuum tubes and stuff inside it. So they walked

inside the computer, right, because then you could actually open it up and walk inside

your computer.

And they saw this, and I don't know if you can see that, but that's a moth. It was a moth

that had sort of given its life to be immortalized because it had actually shorted out across

two relays in the computer and was causing these sort of errors to happen on the fritz.

And so they took the bug out, and once they actually plucked this little charred bug out of

there, the computer started working fine again, and she taped it in her log book.

And this log book's actually preserved in the Smithsonian Institution now, which is where

all this comes from. Here's all the standard disclaimer information: "Image used under

fair use for education purposes. Use of this image is exempt from Creative Commons and

other licenses," just so you know. Now the lawyers are happy. But this is where we think

of sort of the modern term debugging actually came from.

Now, it turns out the actual story is that the term debugging came from the 1800s, in the

late 1800s from mechanical devices. People actually referred to debugging as fixing

mechanical devices. But this is kind of the apocryphal story for how it comes up in

computer science.

Now, with that said, what is the platform in which you're gonna sort of do your first

debugging or your first work on? We talked about Java, but in fact in this class, we're not

gonna start with Java. We're gonna start with something even sort of simpler than Java

because as I mentioned, sometimes what happens in computer science is people learn all

the features of some language. And they think just knowing the language makes them a

good software engineer. And they get so worried about all the features of the language

that they don't kind of think about the big picture.

And so there was a guy named Rich Pattis, who oddly enough was actually a grad student

at the time at Stanford, and he said, "You know what? If we're gonna teach computer

science, when we first start out, why don't we have people not worry about all of the

different commands of the language and all the different things they can do? Let's start

with something really simple so you can learn all the commands real quick. And then

you've mastered everything there is to master about that language, and you can focus on

the software engineering concepts." And it turns out to be a brilliant idea, which has

actually been adopted by a bunch of people.

And so Rich, who's a wonderfully friendly guy — sometime if we get him to come to

Stanford, I'll introduce you; he's just very nice — came up with this thing called Karel the

Robot. And the term, "Karel" actually comes from Karel Capek. Anyone know who he

is? Oh, free candy. Uh huh?

Student:He coined the term, "robot."

Instructor (Mehran Sahami):He coined the term, "robot." He was a Czech playwright

who actually wrote a play called, "RUR," which was about robots. And the word robot

actually comes from a Czech word, the Czech word for work. And so the robot is named

after Karel. And some people say Karl, which is kind of actually closer to I believe if — I

don't know if there's anyone who speaks Czech in the room — but closer to the actual

pronunciation. But we say Karel these days because it's kind of like gender neutral, okay?

And so Karel the Robot is basically this robot that lives in a really simple world. And so

I'll show you all that you can meet Karel the Robot. He's friendly; he's fun. I'll show you

Karel the Robot. So we gotta get Karel running. He's at the factory. He's getting souped

up. We're energizing Karel. You gotta add some color to it. Otherwise — all right. We're

begging for him. Come on, Karel. There he is. Oh, yeah. That's Karel the Robot. He looks

like one of the old Macintoshes if you remember the original Macintoshes that look like a

lunch pail, except he's got legs. One sticks out his back. That's just the way it is.

And the way Karel works is he lives in a grid. To you, it may not be exciting, but to

Karel, it's way exciting. So Karel lives in this little grid, and the way the grid works is

there are streets and avenues in the grid. Streets run horizontally, so this is First Street,

Second Street, Third Street. And then over here, we have avenues, First Avenue, Second

Avenue, Third Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Fifth Avenue. It's kind of like Karel lives in

Manhattan if you wanna think about it that way, okay? So Karel always is on one of these

corners. So right now, he's at the corner of First Street and First Avenue, or we just refer

to it as 1 1 if you wanna think about sort of Cartesian coordinates, right? But just think of

them as streets and avenues. That's where Karel lives.

And Karel can move around in this world. There's a bunch of things that Karel can do. He

can take steps forward. He can turn around to face different directions, and he can sense

certain things about his world. So there's some things that exist in Karel's world, okay?

Things like walls that Karel cannot move through, right, so his world has walls all around

it that he can't go through, so he can't fall off the end of the world. And there's other walls

like this one if Karel were over here, he can't step through that wall.

There's also something referred to as beepers in Karel's world. And what a beeper is, is

it's like a big diamond, okay? But what a beeper really is, is basically just some marker

that he puts in the world. You can think of a beeper like a piece of candy. And Karel just

goes around, like, putting pieces of candy in the world. As a matter of fact, not only does

he put pieces of candy in the world, he carries around a whole bag of candy.

So he has a beeper bag with him, and sometimes that bag has a whole bunch of beepers in

it; sometimes it only has one beeper; sometimes, it's sad Karel, and he has no beepers.

But he's still got the bag. There just don't happen to be any beepers in it. So he can

potentially, if he come across a beeper in his world, he can pick it up and put it in his bag,

or he can take, if he's got beepers in his bag, he can take them out of his bag and put them

places in the world. And corners in the world can have either zero — if they have no

beepers, they just appear like a little dot — or one or more beepers on them that Karel

can potentially pick up, okay?

So any questions about beepers or Karel having a little bag of beepers? And that's it.

That's Karel. That's his world. His world, we can make it larger if we want. We can put in

walls in different places. We can put beepers in different places. We can have Karel be in

a different place.

But starting next time, what you're gonna realize is with this extremely simple world,

there's actually some complicated things you can do. And after about a week — so this

first week, we're gonna focus on Karel — you'll notice that Karel is actually a very nice,

gentle introduction into Java. And a lot of the concepts that we learn, sort of software

engineering concepts using Karel, will translate over to the Java world, okay? So any

questions about Karel or any of the other logistics that you've actually heard about in the


Alrighty then. Welcome to 106A. I'll see you on Wednesday.

[End of Audio]

Duration: 50 minutes

Continue reading Programming Methodology-Lecture01

it-e-75 Distributed Database System

A decentralized system-known in the database world as a distributed system can be highly responsive to differences in data gathering, storage, and access. It can adjust to differences in user psychology-between, say, a multinational corporation's employees in individualistic Greece and in disciplined Japan. It can also adapt to the management styles of strong managers in different locations.

An organization that prefers homogeneity and top-down control will naturally choose a centralized database system. It may also prefer the hierarchical data model.

By contrast, an organization that prefers local improvisation and free wheeling may well choose distributed database system. It may also choose the network data model,which is well suited to searching and updating data in a distributed system.

Communication between distributed commutinies of computer is required for many reasons.At a national level, for example, computers located in different parts of the country use public communication services to exchange electronic messages(mail) and to transfer files of information from one computer to another: Similarly, at a local level within, say, a single building or establishment, distributed communities of computer-based workstations use local communication networks to access expensive shared resources-for example, printers, copiers, disks and tapes, etc.-that are also managed by computers.Clearly, as the range of computer-based products and associated public and local com-medication networks procreate, computer-to-computer communication will expand rapidly and ultimately dominate the field of distributed system.

Historically, computers were so expensive that most large organizations did all their data processing on a single, centralized machine. While very efficient for such tasks as payroll and generating accounting reports, the centralized approach was very useful to those who needed a quick response to a unique, local problem.

With today's inexpensive micros and minis, there is no reason why a branch office, the engineer-in department, or any other group needing computer support cannot have its own computer. By linking these remote machines to a centralized computer via communication lines, local activity can be monitored and coordinated. This approach is called distributed data processing.


1, arbitrary  
a. 任意的,恣意的,专制的

2, homogeneity  [,hɔməudʒe'ni:əti, ,həu-]
n. 同质;同种;同次性(等于homogeneousness)

3, improvisation  [,imprəvai'zeiʃən]
n. 即兴创作;即席演奏

4, procreate  ['prəukrieit]
vi. 生育(子女);产生
vt. 生殖

5, payroll  ['peirəul]
n. 工资单

Continue reading it-e-75 Distributed Database System

【转】SSO 原理



SSO 是一个非常大的主题,我对这个主题有着深深的感受,自从广州 UserGroup 的论坛成立以来,无数网友都在尝试使用开源的 CAS Kerberos 也提供另外一种方式的 SSO ,即基于 Windows 域的 SSO ,还有就是从 2005 年开始一直兴旺不衰的 SAML

       如果将这些免费的 SSO 解决方案与商业的 Tivoli Siteminder RSA Secure SSO 产品做对比,差距是存在的。毕竟,商业产品的安全性和用户体验都是无与伦比的,我们现在提到的 SSO ,仅仅是 Web SSO ,即 Web-SSO 是体现在客户端;另外一种 SSO 是桌面 SSO ,例如,只需要作为 Administrator 登录一次 windows 2000 ,我便能够在使用 MSN/QQ 的时候免去登录的环节 ( 注意,这不是用客户端软件的密码记忆功能 ) ,是一种代理用户输入密码的功能。因此,桌面 SSO 是体现在 OS 级别上。

       今天,当我们提起 SSO 的时候,我们通常是指 Web SSO ,它的主要特点是, SSO 应用之间走 Web 协议 ( HTTP/SSL) ,并且 SSO 都只有一个登录入口。

       简单的 SSO 的体系中,会有下面三种角色:

       1 User (多个)

       2 Web 应用(多个)

       3 SSO 认证中心( 1 个)

       虽然 SSO 实现模式千奇百怪,但万变不离其宗:

l         Web 应用不处理 User 的登录,否则就是多点登陆了,所有的登录都在 SSO 认证中心进行。

l         SSO 认证中心通过一些方法来告诉 Web 应用当前访问用户究竟是不是张三 / 李四。

l         SSO 认证中心和所有的 Web 应用建立一种信任关系, SSO 认证中心对用户身份正确性的判断会通过某种方法告之 Web 应用,而且判断结果必须被 Web 应用信任。

2. CAS 的基本原理

       CAS(Central Authentication Service) Yale 大学发起的一个开源项目,据统计,大概每 10 个采用开源构建 Web SSO Java 项目,就有 8 个使用 CAS 。对这些统计,我虽然不以为然,但有一点可以肯定的是, CAS 是我认为最简单实效,而且足够安全的 SSO 选择。

       本节主要分析 CAS 的安全性,以及为什么 CAS 被这样设计,带着少许密码学的基础知识,我希望有助于读者对 CAS 的协议有更深层次的理解。

2.1 CAS 的结构体系

从结构体系看, CAS 包含两部分:

l         CAS Server

CAS Server 负责完成对用户的认证工作, CAS Server 需要独立部署,有不止一种 CAS Server 的实现, Yale CAS Server ESUP CAS Server 都是很不错的选择。

CAS Server 会处理用户名 / 密码等凭证 (Credentials) ,它可能会到数据库检索一条用户帐号信息,也可能在 XML 文件中检索用户密码,对这种方式, CAS 均提供一种灵活但同一的接口 / 实现分离的方式, CAS 究竟是用何种认证方式,跟 CAS 协议是分离的,也就是,这个认证的实现细节可以自己定制和扩展。

l         CAS Client

CAS Client 负责部署在客户端(注意,我是指 Web 应用),原则上, CAS Client 的部署意味着,当有对本地 Web 应用的受保护资源的访问请求,并且需要对请求方进行身份认证, Web 应用不再接受任何的用户名密码等类似的 Credentials ,而是重定向到 CAS Server 进行认证。

目前, CAS Client 支持(某些在完善中)非常多的客户端,包括 Java .Net ISAPI Php Perl uPortal Acegi Ruby VBScript 等客户端,几乎可以这样说, CAS 协议能够适合任何语言编写的客户端应用。

2.2 CAS 协议

       剖析协议就像剖析设计模式,有些时候,协议让人摸不着头脑。 CAS 的代理模式要相对复杂一些,它引入了一些新的概念,我希望能够在这里描述一下其原理,有助于读者在配置和调试 CAS SSO 有更清晰的思路。

如果没记错, CAS 协议应该是由 Drew Mazurek 负责可开发的,从 CAS v1 到现在的 CAS v3 ,整个协议的基础思想都是基于 Kerberos 的票据方式。

       CAS v1 非常原始,传送一个用户名居然是 ”yes"ndavid.turing” 的方式, CAS v2 开始使用了 XML 规范,大大增强了可扩展性, CAS v3 开始使用 AOP 技术,让 Spring 爱好者可以轻松配置 CAS Server 到现有的应用环境中。

CAS 是通过 TGT(Ticket Granting Ticket) 来获取 ST(Service Ticket) ,通过 ST 来访问服务,而 CAS 也有对应 TGT ST 的实体,而且他们在保护 TGT 的方法上虽然有所区别,但是,最终都可以实现这样一个目的——免去多次登录的麻烦。

       下面,我们看看 CAS 的基本协议框架:

2.1.1 基础协议

                                                 CAS 基础模式

       上图是一个最基础的 CAS 协议, CAS Client Filter 方式保护 Web 应用的受保护资源,过滤从客户端过来的每一个 Web 请求,同时, CAS Client 会分析 HTTP 请求中是否包请求 Service Ticket( 上图中的 Ticket) ,如果没有,则说明该用户是没有经过认证的,于是, CAS Client 会重定向用户请求到 CAS Server Step 2 )。 Step 3 是用户认证过程,如果用户提供了正确的 Credentials CAS Server 会产生一个随机的 Service Ticket ,然后,缓存该 Ticket ,并且重定向用户到 CAS Client (附带刚才产生的 Service Ticket ), Service Ticket 是不可以伪造的,最后, Step 5 Step6 CAS Client CAS Server 之间完成了一个对用户的身份核实,用 Ticket 查到 Username ,因为 Ticket CAS Server 产生的,因此,所以 CAS Server 的判断是毋庸置疑的。

       该协议完成了一个很简单的任务,就是 User(david.turing) 打开 IE ,直接访问 helloservice 应用,它被立即重定向到 CAS Server 进行认证, User 可能感觉到浏览器在 helloservcie casserver 之间重定向,但 User 是看不到, CAS Client CAS Server 相互间的 Service Ticket 核实 (Validation) 过程。当 CAS Server 告知 CAS Client 用户 Service Ticket 对应确凿身份, CAS Client 才会对当前 Request 的用户进行服务。

2.2.2 CAS 如何实现 SSO

       当我们的 Web 时代还处于初级阶段的时候, SSO 是通过共享 cookies 来实现,比如,下面三个域名要做 SSO

如果通过 CAS 来集成这三个应用,那么,这三个域名都要做一些域名映射,

因为是同一个域,所以每个站点都能够共享基于 cookies 。这种方法原始,不灵活而且有不少安全隐患,已经被抛弃了。

CAS 可以很简单的实现跨域的 SSO ,因为,单点被控制在 CAS Server ,用户最有价值的 TGC-Cookie 只是跟 CAS Server 相关, CAS Server 就只有一个,因此,解决了 cookies 不能跨域的问题。

回到 CAS 的基础协议图,当 Step3 完成之后, CAS Server 会向 User 发送一个 Ticket granting cookie (TGC) User 的浏览器,这个 Cookie 就类似 Kerberos TGT ,下次当用户被 Helloservice2 重定向到 CAS Server 的时候, CAS Server 会主动 Get 到这个 TGC cookie ,然后做下面的事情:

1,              如果 User 的持有 TGC 且其还没失效,那么就走基础协议图的 Step4 ,达到了 SSO 的效果。

2,              如果 TGC 失效,那么用户还是要重新认证 ( 走基础协议图的 Step3)

2.2.2 CAS 的代理模式

       模式 1 已经能够满足大部分简单的 SSO 应用,现在,我们探讨一种更复杂的情况,即用户访问 helloservice helloservice 又依赖于 helloservice2 来获取一些信息,如同:

User à helloservice à helloservice2

这种情况下,假设 helloservice2 也是需要对 User 进行身份验证才能访问,那么,为了不影响用户体验(过多的重定向导致 User IE 窗口不停地 闪动 ) CAS 引入了一种 Proxy 认证机制,即 CAS Client 可以代理用户去访问其它 Web 应用。

代理的前提是需要 CAS Client 拥有用户的身份信息 ( 类似凭据 ) 与其说之前我们提到的 TGC 是用户持有对自己身份信息的一种凭据,则这里的 PGT 就是 CAS Client 端持有的对用户身份信息的一种凭据。凭借 TGC User 可以免去输入密码以获取访问其它服务的 Service Ticket ,所以,这里,凭借 PGT Web 应用可以代理用户去实现后端的认证,而无需前端用户的参与。

如下面的 CAS Proxy 图所示, CAS Client 在基础协议之上,提供了一个额外的 PGT URL CAS Server, 于是, CAS Server 可以通过 PGT URL 提供一个 PGT CAS Client

       初学者可能会对上图的 PGT URL 感到迷惑,或者会问,为什么要这么麻烦,要通过一个额外的 URL( 而且是 SSL 的入口 ) 去传递 PGT ?如果直接在 Step 6 返回,则连用来做对应关系的 PGTIOU 都可以省掉。 PGTIOU 设计是从安全性考虑的,非常必要, CAS 协议安全性问题我会在后面一节介绍。

于是, CAS Client 拿到了 PGT( PGTIOU-85…..ti2td ) ,这个 PGT TGC 同样地关键, CAS Client 可以通过 PGT 向后端 Web 应用进行认证。如下图所示, Proxy 认证与普通的认证其实差别不大, Step1, 2 与基础模式的 Step 1,2 几乎一样,唯一不同的是, Proxy 模式用的是 PGT 而不是 TGC ,是 Proxy Ticket PT )而不是 Service Ticket

最终的结果是, helloservice2 明白 helloservice 所代理的客户是 David. Turing 同学,同时,根据本地策略, helloservice2 有义务为 PGTURL=http://helloservice/proxy 服务 (PGTURL 用于表示一个 Proxy 服务 ) ,于是它传递数据给 helloservice 。这样, helloservice 便完成一个代理者的角色,协助 User 返回他想要的数据。

CAS 协议 v2 的一个最大的变化,这种模式非常适合在复杂的业务领域中应用 SSO 。因为,以前我们实施 SSO 的时候,都是假定以 IE User SSO 的访问者,忽视了业务系统作为 SSO 的访问者角色。

2.3 CAS 安全性

       CAS 的安全性是一个非常重要的 Topic CAS v1 v3 ,都很依赖于 SSL ,它假定了这样一个事实,用户在一个非常不安全的网络环境中使用 SSO Hacker Sniffer 会很容易抓住所有的 Http Traffic ,包括通过 Http 传送的密码甚至 Ticket 票据。

2.3.1 TGC/PGT 安全性 [这两个安全性是基础]


CAS(Central Authentication Service)
TGT(Ticket Granting Ticket)
ST(Service Ticket)
PGT(Proxy Granting Ticket)


Yale CAS使用了Ticket Granting Cookie (简称TGC)去作为获取Service Ticket(简称ST)的凭据,这个TGC 是保存在客户端的cookie,即当第2次被其他CAS Client重定向的时候,CAS Server实际上已经从用户的Cookie中抓取到TGC,然后知道TGC对应的用户,因此避免了再次登录,如果CAS Server抓取不到TGC,则用户需要登陆。

众所周知,cookie是不能跨域的。但是CAS能够做abc.com和xyz.com的sso,因为CAS Server缓存了所有的ticket,所以Client无需共享cookies。



       对于一个 CAS 用户来说,最重要是要保护它的 TGC ,如果 TGC 不慎被 CAS Server 以外的实体获得, Hacker 能够找到该 TGC ,然后冒充 CAS 用户访问所有授权资源。

       SSO 的安全性问题比普通应用的安全性还要严重,因为 SSO 存在一种门槛效应。以前即使 Hacker 能够截获用户在 Web 应用 A 的密码,它也未必能知道用户在 Web 应用 B 的密码,但 SSO Hacker 只需要截获 TGC( 突破了门槛 ) ,即能访问所有与该用户相关的所有应用系统。

       PGT TGC 的角色是一样的,如果被 Hacker 获得,后果可想而知。

       从基础模式可以看出, TGC CAS Server 通过 SSL 方式发送给终端用户,因此,要截取 TGC 难度非常大,从而确保 CAS 的安全性。

       因此,某些人认为 CAS 可以不使用 SSL 的想法需要更正一下, CAS 的传输安全性仅仅依赖与 SSL

       Kerberos 一样 TGT TGC 也有自己的存活周期。下面是 CAS web.xml 中,通过 grantingTimeout 来设置 CAS TGC 存活周期的参数,参数默认是 120 分钟,在合适的范围内设置最小值,太短,会影响 SSO 体验,太长,会增加安全性风险。





TGC 面临的风险主要并非传输窃取。比如你登陆了之后,没有 Logout ,离开了电脑,别人就可以打开你的浏览器,直接访问你授权访问的应用 ) ,设置一个 TGC 的有效期,可以减少被别人盗用,或者被 Hacker 入侵你的电脑直接获取你系统目录下的 TGC Cookie

2.3.2 Service Ticket/Proxy Ticket 安全性

       首要明白, Service Ticket 是通过 Http 传送的,以为着所网络中的其他人可以 Sniffer 到其他人的 Ticket

CAS 协议从几个方面让 Service Ticket 变得更加安全。

l         Service Ticket 只能使用一次。

CAS 协议规定,无论 Service Ticket 验证是否成功, CAS Server 都会将服务端的缓存中清除该 Ticket ,从而可以确保一个 Service Ticket 被使用两次。

l         Service Ticket 在一段时间内失效。

假设用户拿到 Service Ticket 之后,他请求 helloservice 的过程又被中断了, Service Ticket 就被空置了,事实上,此时, Service Ticket 仍然有效。 CAS 规定 Service Ticket 只能存活一定的时间,然后 CAS Server 会让它失效。通过在 web.xml 中配置下面的参数,可以让 Service Ticket 在多少秒内失效。






l         Service Ticket 是基于随机数生成的。

Service Ticket 必须足够随机,如果 Service Ticket 生成规则被猜出(如果你使用了 ST+Helloservice+ 自增序列的方式, Hacker 就可以构造下一个 Ticket ), Hacker 就等于绕过 CAS 认证,直接访问所有服务。

Continue reading 【转】SSO 原理

jasig CAS 实战

官网: 这一页谈到为什么使用final关键字屏蔽了扩展,晕吧!





RESTFull Login:



><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>cas-server</artifactId> <packaging>war</packaging> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>

Continue reading jasig CAS 实战

it-e-74 CMS

CMS(Cryptographic Message Syntax) is used to digitally sign or encrypt arbitrary messages. CMS describes an encapsulation syntax for data protection. It supports digital signatures and Encryption. The syntax allows multiple encapsulation, so one encapsulation envelope can be nested inside another. Likewise, one party can digitally sign some previously encapsulated data. It also allows arbitrary attributes, such as signing time, to be authenticated along with the message content, and provides for other attributes such as counter-signatures to be associated with a signature.

arbitrary ['ɑ:bitrəri]

adj. [数] 任意的;武断的;专制的

Continue reading it-e-74 CMS

spring ejb3 jta 事务泛谈

其实我很早就用过spring,当时抱着in action看了好几遍,但是一直没有怎么用。时不时忘记了又跑回去看,我看别人蛮喜欢用spring,但是我就是不喜欢用,主要是我不喜欢xml配置。连hibenate的配置我都不喜欢。


spring: [作者是spring的作者]











spring MVC web:








我再谈谈事务,spring里面提供对事务的抽象,其底层可以使用JTA, JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, 和 JDO。这里要搞清楚事务这个概念,在目前java里面,事务还是针对关系数据库据持久化来说的,大部分nosql是不支持事务的,也和jdbc没关系。spring的事物抽象最终是反映到关系数据库上来。



Continue reading spring ejb3 jta 事务泛谈

it-e-73 Graph plotters

Graph plotters are used to produce high quality precision graphics usually on large sheets
of paper.
They are slow, but can draw continuous curves often in a variety of colours. They are
especially useful for architectural drawings, building plans and
CAD (Computer Aided Design) applications, where precision
drawing is required.
A mechanical arm holds a pen which can be moved
across the page. The paper is sometimes laid on a flat bed
(flat bed plotter) or on a rotating drum (drum plotter).


drum [drʌm]

n. 鼓,鼓声

v. 击鼓,作鼓声

Continue reading it-e-73 Graph plotters


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