从16.3开始,React终于有了官方版Context API,这个API貌似很简单,但是影响却很大,网上有评论说Redux已Game Over,Redux作者也不得不承认React需要Redux的程度减少了许多,不过Redux的有些使用者认为,Redux已经成为一个生态系统,可用于其他很多场景。(这个看过的帖子一时找不到)
Continue reading React Context API和Redux
- systemd is now supported by most linux system, and is the recommended way contrast to old upstart and init
- the systemd config file is under /lib/systemd/system
- env vars only able to be set in ExecStart or ExecStartPre, best way is to set in the script
- WorkingDirectory can not use double quote, seems to be a bug?
- if you app run like
java -jar
, should use Type=simple
instead of Type=forking
, otherwise it will case a timeout
Continue reading upstart init.d systemd - a simple instruction
Node.js Thread Worker
Recently nodejs have add initial thread support. It says:
Continue reading Nodejs Cluster Worker Thread Worker and Browser Worker
本文内容主要来自这篇文章Understanding How Node.js Release Lines Work
Continue reading 有趣的nodejs版本发布策略
Sequelize “An easy-to-use multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.js”
Continue reading Sequelize a Simple Introduction
I used pgAdmin to connect to postgres, I think it is good, but when I use it to connect to a heroku database, I was shocked that it do list all the database(about 200) in the heroku server instance even I have choose the dafault database to connect. Imagine you have to scroll over the whole list to find a database name - and it do not support search! I then thought how stupid this tool is.
Continue reading DBeaver a primary introduce
- Grid布局适合复杂的布局,例如可以用来设计整个页面的布局,可用来设计不合常规的创意布局。
- Flex布局适合于对齐内容。
- Grid布局适用于2d布局–行和列。
- Flex适合同一个方向的布局。 能用Flex的简单处,没必要使用Grid。全部使用Flex也达不到好的效果,混合使用才是顺其自然的方式。
Continue reading flex和grid布局
Recent years, I have see many project using postgres instead of Mysql. it is time to have a try by youself if you have not used it yet.
Continue reading Simple introduction of postgres NoSql and scale feature
2016年六月的时候,“通用linux包” “Snap”项目宣布启动。所有linux系统(桌面版,服务器版,嵌入式)将会支持此工具。
Continue reading Snap - 新的linux系统包管理工具