in javascript / front-end on html5 - Hits()
今天看了这篇文章What is “this” in JavaScript?,颇受启发,觉得总结得非常好,一句话可以概括:this指针依赖于谁来调用。
下面两句话 小明喜欢DC漫画; 小明喜欢漫威漫画。
Global context
// In web browsers, the window object is also the global object:
console.log(this === window); // true
a = 37;
console.log(window.a); // 37
this.b = "MDN";
console.log(window.b) // "MDN"
console.log(b) // "MDN"
Function context
function f1() {
return this;
// In a browser:
f1() === window; // true
// In Node:
f1() === global; // true
// An object can be passed as the first argument to call or apply and this will be bound to it.
var obj = {a: 'Custom'};
// This property is set on the global object
var a = 'Global';
function whatsThis() {
return this.a; // The value of this is dependent on how the function is called
whatsThis(); // 'Global'
whatsThis.call(obj); // 'Custom'
whatsThis.apply(obj); // 'Custom'
function f() {
return this.a;
var g = f.bind({a: 'azerty'});
console.log(g()); // azerty
var h = g.bind({a: 'yoo'}); // bind only works once!
console.log(h()); // azerty
var o = {a: 37, f: f, g: g, h: h};
console.log(o.f(),o.f(), o.g(), o.h()); // 37,37, azerty, azerty
箭头函数(Arrow functions)
var globalObject = this;
var foo = (() => this);
console.log(foo() === globalObject); // true
箭头函数的this指的是定义这个箭头函数时的上下文的this,call, bind, apply指定this的方式对箭头函数无效。
As an object method
var o = {
prop: 37,
f: function() {
return this.prop;
console.log(o.f()); // 37
getter or setter
function sum() {
return this.a + this.b + this.c;
var o = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3,
get average() {
return (this.a + this.b + this.c) / 3;
Object.defineProperty(o, 'sum', {
get: sum, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
console.log(o.average, o.sum); // 2, 6
As a constructor
* Constructors work like this:
* function MyConstructor(){
* // Actual function body code goes here.
* // Create properties on |this| as
* // desired by assigning to them. E.g.,
* this.fum = "nom";
* // et cetera...
* // If the function has a return statement that
* // returns an object, that object will be the
* // result of the |new| expression. Otherwise,
* // the result of the expression is the object
* // currently bound to |this|
* // (i.e., the common case most usually seen).
* }
function C() {
this.a = 37;
var o = new C();
console.log(o.a); // 37
function C2() {
this.a = 37;
return {a: 38};
o = new C2();
console.log(o.a); // 38
As a DOM event handler
<button onclick="alert(this.tagName.toLowerCase());">
Show this
<button onclick="alert((function() { return this; })());">
Show inner this