Java Sound API,格式转换

转换音频格式本以为java很难实现,但是发现Java sound Api还是比较强大的,它可以读取音频设备输入,播放音频,还能进行音频格式转换,当然,这种转换不是所有的格式都支持,下面代码将音频格式从8bit 8k pcm wav转换为16bit 8k pcm wav。

this code show how to convert audio from 8bit 8k pcm to 16 bit 8k pcm in pure java:

	public static void convert(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException, UnsupportedAudioFileException

		// get an AudioInputStream of the desired format for playback
		AudioFormat.Encoding encoding = AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED;
		float rate = 8000f;
		int targetSampleSize = 16;
		boolean bigEndian = true;
		int channels = 1;
//		AudioFormat sourceFormat = new AudioFormat(encoding, rate, sourceSampleSize, channels, (sourceSampleSize / 8)
//				* channels, rate, bigEndian);
		AudioFormat targetFormat = new AudioFormat(encoding, rate, targetSampleSize, channels, (targetSampleSize / 8)
				* channels, rate, bigEndian);

		AudioInputStream lowResAIS = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(in); 
		AudioFormat sourceFormat = lowResAIS.getFormat();
		if (AudioSystem.isConversionSupported(targetFormat, sourceFormat))
			lowResAIS = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(targetFormat, lowResAIS);
			throw new UnsupportedAudioFileException("not supported!");

		AudioSystem.write(lowResAIS, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, out);


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