it-e-42 Algorithm Design and Implementation

This course introduces a set of fundamental design principles and problem-solving techniques
for the construction and implementation of computer algorithms. Problem solutions are developed
in a design language such as Pseudocode and then coded in a high-level structured programming
language. (Consult the Computer Science Department for the language currently in use.) Topics
such as problem specification, top-down design with stepwise refinement, standard data types,
control structures, subprograms, modular design, and parameter passing are presented through a
study of specific example algorithms. Style, documentation, solution robustness, and conformance
with specifications are emphasized throughout.
Prerequisites: High school algebra I & II.

The purpose of this course is to present a coherent set of tools and techniques for the
development of computer solutions to simple problems in data manipulation and report
generation. Upon completion of the course, a student should be able to: analyze a problem
statement for completeness and clarity; use the method of top-down, modular, structured design
to develop a hierarchy chart (structure chart) and a set of Pseudocode modules for a problem
solution; convert this solution into source code in the designated high-level language in
accordance with a well-defined set of style rules; debug and test the program; and provide clear
documentation for the result.

the "problem-solving universe"
operational definition of computer (specifically, electronic digital stored-program
components of a typical computer
fundamental computer capabilities (read, write, store, compute, compare)
formulating precise specifications for a problem and its solution
preconditions and post conditions

specification of user requirements in measurable terms
tools for algorithm development
algorithm design languages (Pseudocode, flowcharts)
top-down design and stepwise refinement (including contrast with bottom-up
structure charts (hierarchy charts)
subprograms (procedures, functions) and the modular design of algorithms
standard control structures:
sequence, decision, loop (pre-test, post-test, count- controlled), module
nested control structures
decision tables, decision trees
identifiers, variables, constants, expressions
typing and structuring of data
standard data types:
numeric (integer vs. real)
character, character string
file type (for sequential text files)
record types
array types
primitive data structures:
simple variables
record variables
character strings
some common algorithmic techniques
the Initialize/Process/Terminate (IPT) paradigm
file operations (create, open, close, read, write)
sequential processing of data records
end-of-file testing
report generation (headers, footers, page breaks, simple control breaks)

use of counters and accumulators
numeric computations (evaluating formulas, generating sequences, printing
exchanging (swapping) data values
complex decisions and branching
testing and validating data
use of 'flag' variables
finding maximum and minimum values
array manipulations (filling, summing, searching, printing)
uses of record variables
communication between modules:
formal parameters, arguments, parameter passing, inheritance
coding algorithms in a high-level language
overall structure of a program (including stylistic layout)
internal and external documentation
nesting of procedures and functions
declarations, formal parameter lists
file variables and file operations
input/output (keyboard and file)
translation of standard control structures
arithmetic expressions
assignment statements, type compatibility
boolean expressions
implementing an algorithm on the computer
transcribing a pseudocode algorithm into a programming language
log-in procedures, customizing the account
creating a source file
compiling the program; compilation errors
generation of test data
executing the program; run-time (execution) errors


1, stepwise  ['step,waiz]
adv. 逐步地;阶梯式地

2, clarity  ['klæriti]
n. 清楚,透明

3, refinement  [ri'fainmənt]
n. 精致,高尚,精巧

4, arithmetic  [ə'riθmətik, ,æriθ'metik]
n. 算术,算法

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